Posted by: nataliereviewsbooks | March 31, 2012

Likeable Social Media by Dave Kerpen

This world of social media has changed the way we market and communicate.  Dave Kerpen in his book, “Likeable Social Media” looks at marketing today using the tools of social media NOT as just a numbers game, but one where you engage with customers and prospects because they “LIKE” you.  It’s that personal connection that will bring you business and that positive word of mouth marketing that will make your business grow exponentially if you engage and are interesting.

There are fantastic examples throughout the book.  As so many people are sold on buying connections online, they are missing the most important and powerful marketing techniques.

For example, in Chapter 5 he talks about “Talking with your children instead of talking TO your babies.”  The old model of marketing which was talking to customers with billboards and TV ads has changed to one of engagement WITH customers using social media.

I learned some great ideas to use almost daily as I run my own business.  I need to read it again to

Every small … and large business owner should pick up this book and learn how to multiply connections and build brand and personal popularity by being authentic and caring and likeable.
